Something very exciting that I've had to keep quiet about until now!
So, every year, a writer I love, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, edits this very cool thing called the HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR with her publishing company, WMG Publishing. It's basically an advent calendar of short stories! It runs from US Thanksgiving until New Years day, and every day, subscribers to the calendar get a new short story in their email.
There are usually three themes each year with three different moods. Kris does an introduction to each story in her email, which helps readers know what the mood of the story is, so if you're not in the mood for something hardboiled, for example, you can always save that day's story for a better mood. Ditto something sweet and romantic. The stories encompass a lot of winter holidays, and since some of the writers that Kris includes are from Australia, there are often stories set around a Christmas that takes place in the middle of summer.
It's super fun. I've gotten the Spectacular every year since she started doing it. This will be the fifth year. And I can't recommend it enough. I've read some really excellent fiction and it gives me something fun to look forward to every day of the holidays.
And to my absolute delight, I have a story in the Spectacular this year!
I have no idea when it will be delivered during the event--none of the writers know until their story shows up in their inboxes--but it will be there! And I'm pretty excited about it, because I really loved this story, and I really really love the short story advent calendar concept of this project.
If you're not a Kickstarter person, the Spectacular will still be available for sale separately. All the information about it all will be at the Kickstarter and at WMG's website.
I hope you'll consider backing the project and/or getting the Holiday Spectacular! It's so much fun.
Happy Reading!